If you are interested in scheduling a Baby Dedication for your child, please complete the Dedication Request Form.
The Church Secretary will contact you regarding your request and provide you with confirmation of your child's dedication.
Deadline for Baby Dedications is no later than 2 weeks prior
(To the date requesting dedication.)
Please click the button below to fill out the request form and a member of the
church staff will contact you.
If you wish to download the form click HERE.
True Light would be honored to host your special day and celebrate as you join in holy matrimony. Our sanctuary has a max capacity of 650 and our Activity Building is also available for rental.
If you are interested in renting one of our facility locations, please contact the church office for pricing or fill out the form below and someone will contact you.
Announcement Request-Due by Wednesday 12 pm
Church Sign Request- Due no later than the last
business day of the month (For the upcoming month.)
Ministry Meetings Request-Due by Monday 12 pm (noon)
(If your meeting is on a Monday, we need the request in by Monday,
the week prior.)
Event Support Request- Due no later than 90 days prior
(To the date of the event that support is being
requested for.)
Lunch Rehearsal Request-Due no later than 1-2 weeks
prior to the date the lunch is needed.
Graphic & Design -Due no later than 3 weeks prior to the
date needed.
Supply Orders-Due no later than 1-2 weeks prior to the
date the supplies are needed. (Please be aware that ordering
supplies needs to be done early enough to ensure you have them in a
timely matter. However, due to case by case situations, it may take
longer than expected to receive your supplies/materials.)
Have questions? You are more than welcome to contact the church officem
between the hours of 8am-3pm at 713.861.8437
Spiritual Operating Procedures: This document contains Standards for Leaders, Organizational Structure and
important information for ministry leaders.